This is a Vegetarian product
Raw Banana powder is a new flavour from Dr.Mom's kitchen. It is a traditional kerala raw banana baby food recipe which is favourite in their cuisine consumed as porridge, kheer, smoothie, halwa etc. This is made from unripe sun dried nendram bananas and can be given to babies from 6 months and above as a great first food. Most pediatricians recommend it as best solid baby food because of its pre- biotic effect and role in the maintenance of intestinal mucosal barrier integrity. The best use of raw banana powder is to control the dreadful diarrhoea affecting children when introducing newer solid foods. Contrary to the myth, it is not a weight gain food but rich in low-glycemic starches, minerals and vitamins which builds foundation for lifelong good health. If you feel to choose only one food for baby this is the best choice with more health benefits.